1991 - 2000



The Anti-Corruption Act, 2000 
Being an Act to provide for the prevention of corrupt practices and for related matters. 

The Environment Protection Act, 2000 
Being an Act to provide for the effective protection of the environment, the administrative machinery to ensure such protection and for other related matters. 

The Bank of Sierra Leone Act, 2000 
Being an Act to continue in existence the Bank of Sierra Leone, to ensure monetary stability and to provide for other related matters. 

The Truth and Reconciliation Act, 2000 
Being an Act to establish the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in line with Article XXVI of the Lome Peace Agreement and to provide for related matters. 

The Insurance Act, 2000 
Being an Act to establish the National Insurance Commission and to regulate the business of insurance in Sierra Leone. 

The Civil Marriage (Amendment) Act, 2000 
Being an Act to amend the Civil Marriage Act 

The Registration of Instruments (Amendment) Act, 2000 
Being an Act to amend the Registration of Instruments Act. 

The Income Tax Act, 2000 -------- Consolidated 
Being an Act to consolidate, with amendments, the law relating to the taxation of incomes. 

The Appropriation Act, 2000 
Being an Act to provide for the services of Sierra Leone for the year 2000. 

The Banking Act, 2000 
Being an Act to provide for the licensing of persons carrying on deposit-taking business, the regulation of deposit-taking activities, the protection of depositors and to provide for related matters with a view to developing and promoting an efficient banking and financial system in Sierra Leone. 

The Sierra Leone Maritime Administration Act, 2000 
Being an Act to establish an autonomous body for the registration of ships and other vessels, the licensing and safety of maritime personnel and for the regulation and development generally of maritime, coastal and inland water transport and for other matters connected therewith. 

The Independent Media Commission Act, 2000 
Being an Act to establish an autonomous body for the regulation of mass media institutions and for other matters connected therewith. 

The Armed Forces of the Republic of Sierra Leone (Amendment) Act, 2000 
Being an Act to amend the Armed Forces of the Republic of Sierra Leone Act, 1961. 

The State Proceedings Act, 2000 
Being an Act to provide for the exercise of jurisdiction in respect of claims by or against the Government pursuant to the abolition by subsection (1) of section 133 of the Constitution of Sierra Leone of the petition of right process; and for other matters connected therewith. 

The Legal Practitioners Act, 2000 
Being an Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the admission, enrolment, practice and discipline of legal practitioners and to provide for matters incidental to or connected with the foregoing.



The Mines and Minerals (Amendment Act, 1999) 
Being an Act to amend the Mines and Minerals Act, 1994. 

The Appropriation Act, 1999 
Being an Act to provide for the services of Sierra Leone for the year 1999. 

The Lome Peace Agreement (Ratification) Act, 1999 
Being an Act to ratify a Peace Agreement dated 7th July, 1999 and signed by the President in the name of Sierra Leone, of the one part, and the Leader of the Revolutionary United Front of Sierra Leone, on the other part. 

The Revolutionary United Front of Sierra Leone (Participation in Political and Democratic Process) Act, 1999 
Being an Act to facilitate the transformation of the Revolutionary United Front of Sierra Leone into a political movement and the assumption by members of the Front of any public offices assigned to them pursuant to the Lome Peace Agreement. 

The Commission for the Management of Strategic Resources, National Reconstruction and development Act, 1999 
Being an Act to establish a Commission to secure and monitor the legitimate exploitation of Sierra Leone's gold and diamonds, and other resources that are determined to be of strategic importance for national security and welfare as well as to cater for post-war rehabilitation and reconstruction, as provided for under Article XXVIII of the Lome Peace Agreement. 

The Constitutional and Statutory Instruments Act, 1999 
Being an Act to provide for the enactment and publication of subsidiary legislation by constitutional instrument or statutory instrument, as the case may be, and for other matters connected therewith. 



The Audit Service Act, 1998 
Being an Act to establish the Audit Service, the Audit Service Service Board, to make provision for strengthening the power of surcharge by the Auditor-General and for other matters connected with the foregoing. 

The Appropriation Act, 1998 
Being an Act to provide for the Service of Sierra Leone for the year 1998. 

The Electoral Provisions (Amendment) Act, 1998 
Being an Act to amend the Electoral Provisions Act. 

The Bank of Sierra Leone (Amendment) Act, 1998 
Being an Act to amend the Bank of Sierra Leone Act, 1963, to change the Bank's financial year, so as to coincide with the financial year of the Government. 




The Minimum Wage Act, 1997 
Being an Act to establish a national minimum wage from time to time and to amend the Income Tax Act. 

The Ombudsman Act , 1997 
Being an Act to provide for the establishment of the office of the Ombudsman, to define his functions and for other matters connected therewith. 

The Bank of Sierra Leone (Amendment) Decree, 1997 

Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (Establishment of Council Secretaries) Decree, 1997 

Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (Establishment of Office of Principal Liaison Officer) Decree, 1997 
Being a Decree to make provision for the establishment of the office of Principal Liaison Officer. 

Administration of Sierra Leone (Armed Forces Revolutionary Council) Proclamation (Amendment) Decree, 1997 
Being a Decree to increase the membership of the Armed Forces Revolutionary Council. 

The Imposition of Curfew Decree, 1997 
Being a Decree for the imposition of a Curfew. 

The AFRC (Anti-Looting) Decree, 1997 
Being a Decree to provide for the establishment, functions, powers and duties of an Anti-Looting Squad, to make provision for the protection of persons against harassment and intimidation and for other related matters. 

The Constitution of Sierra Leone, 1991 (Amendment) Decree, 1997 
Being a Decree to amend the Constitution of Sierra Leone, 1991 and to provide for other related matters. 




The National Unity and Reconciliation Act, 1996 
Being an Act to establish a Commission to promote national unity and reconciliation and for other matters connected therewith. 

The Constitution Reinstatement (Consequential Provisions) Act, 1996 

The National Provisional Ruling Council Decrees (Repeal and Modification) Act, 1996 
Being an Act to repeal, modify and incorporate certain National Provisional Ruling Council Decrees into the Laws of Sierra Leone and for other matters connected therewith. 

The Road Transport Authority Act, 1996 
Being an Act to provide for the establishment of an Authority for the regulation and development of the road transport industry, including the regulation and licensing of vehicles, the licensing of drivers, the prescription of routes for passenger and goods transportation and for other matters connected with the foregoing. 

The Electoral Laws (Abridgement of Nomination Requirements) Decree, 1996 
Being a Decree to alleviate the qualification requirements for the nomination of candidates for the presidential and parliamentary elections of 1996. 

The Standards Decree, 1996 
Being a Decree to provide for the standardization of commodities and products, to establish the Sierra Leone Standards Bureau and the National Standards Council and to provide for other related matters. 

The Franchise and Electoral Registration (Suspension of Objection Provisions) Decree, 1996 
Being a Decree to suspend certain provisions of the Franchise and Electoral Registration Decree, 1995. 

The Banking (Amendment) Decree, 1996 
Being a Decree to amend the Banking Act in order to increase the minimum paid-up capital, the capital adequacy ratio and other matters related to banking. 

The Presidential Elections (Amendment) Decree, 1996 
Being a Decree to amend the Presidential Elections Decree, 1995 

The Indemnity and Transition Decree, 1996 
Being a Decree to grant indemnity to members of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Sierra Leone, the National Provisional Ruling Council and appointees of the National Provisional Ruling Council, to revoke the Proclamation establishing the National Provisional Ruling Council and for connected purposes. 

The Public Budgeting and Accounting Act (Amendment) Decree, 1996 
Being a Decree to amend the Public Budgeting and Accounting Act to re-centralise the accounting system of Government. 

The National Provisional Ruling Council (Appropriation) Decree, 1996 
Being a Decree to provide for the service of Sierra Leone for the year 1996. 

The Pensions and Retiring Benefits of Presidents and Vice-Presidents Act (Amendment) Decree, 1996 
Being a Decree to amend the Pensions and Retiring Benefits of Presidents and Vice-Presidents Act, 1986. 

The Indemnity and Transition (Amendment) Decree, 1996 
Being a Decree to amend the Indemnity and Transition Decree, 1996. 

The Maritime Zones (Establishment) Decree, 1996 
Being a Decree to establish the maritime zones of Sierra Leone in conformity with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982; and for connected purposes. 

The National Commission for Relief, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Degree, 1996 
Being a Decree to establish a Commission for the planning, co-ordination and implementation of programmes for the relief, rehabilitation and reintegration of persons and communities affected by conflict and natural and man-made disasters and other emergencies. 




The Constitution of Sierra Leone, 1991 
Repeals the Constitution of Sierra Leone, 1978.