UNIPSIL was a fully Integrated Peacebuilding Office, as mandated by S/Res/1829 (2008), which worked closely with the United Nations Country Team (UNCT), Funds and Programmes in Sierra Leone, i.e. UNDP, UNFPA , WFP, UNICEF, UNHCR, WHO, FAO, UNAIDS, UNIDO, as well as the World Bank, IMF, ADB, and IOM.
The operational support of the Integrated Peacebuilding Office was managed by the Chief of Mission Support (CMS/SAO), who had the overall responsibility for the Mission’s resources.
This included Human Resources, Finance & Budget, General Services, Transport, Air Operations, Information Technology, fixed and moveable assets, the allotment of funds, flight services, the Joint Medical Services, facilitating of incoming and outgoing shipments.
In the spirit of an Integrated Mission, UNIPSIL managed operational support also for the UNCT members like the Joint Medical Services, the Joint Safety and Security Services and shuttle flights.
The shuttle flights were provided 2-3 times per week between Cockrill, where the helipad was located and Lungi to connect to international flights. Mainland Special Flights were provided to any reasonable locations within Sierra Leone and to neighboring countries (e.g. Conakry, Monrovia). Whilst UNIPSIL was providing shuttle flights to all UN staff including UNCT in Mission area, the joint vehicle workshop was managed by WFP as a common service on a cost sharing arrangement. The sharing of service facilities reflected the spirit of the Integrated Mission.
The Joint Medical Services, serving the needs of the Integrated Mission, provided services to all UN staff and dependents, based on cost shared recovery mechanisms.