UN Joint Vision Programme two holds training on Human Rights Approach

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1 Mar 2012

UN Joint Vision Programme two holds training on Human Rights Approach

The UN Joint Vision Programme Two partners composed of UNIPSIL/OHCHR, UNICEF, UNDP Access to Justice held a capacity building training on Human rights Approach to Legislative Review for members of the Parliamentary Human Rights and Legislative Committees, and the Parliamentary Female Caucus in Bo City from the 16th to 18th of February 2012. The capacity building event, which targeted three most relevant committees of parliament drew together 27 MPs and parliamentary staff from the three committees. The training linked key human rights principles to legislatory processes including meaningful participation of all stakeholders, Accountability, equality and non-discrimination among other areas. Senior lawyers from the Office of the Attorney General and the Solicitor General's office joined the facilitating team, which also included the Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone.

Using three gender Parliamentary bills (Gender equality bill, Sexual offenses bill and Matrimonial Causes bill) as case studies, the workshop explored strategies and opportunities of enhancing human rights compliance within the legislatory processes of Parliament. Participants appreciated the importance of human rights standards and the key aspects of human rights approach towards effective and people oriented legislations. In committing to address the issues highlighted during parliamentary legislations, the MPs requested for sustained technical support to ensure enhanced compliance of human rights standards in law making, which was one of the outcomes of the 3 days event. The training was requested by the Parliamentary Human Rights Committee as part of the capacity building activities by UNIPSIL HRS and its UN Joint Vision Programme Two partners to support the relevant committees of parliament towards effective legislation. In the past, the section has provided support towards establishment of the Human Rights Library, a Prisons survey by the PHRC carried out in 2010 among others. Support to Parliament and the PHRC in particular is in recognition of the crucial role it plays in enhancing compliance to human rights standards and mechanisms in the country.

Beatriz Balbin, Chief, HRS closes the workshop on behalf of UN Joint Vision Programme 2 Partners

The Opening session